The Beuty Food

The Beauty Food

Why Spend A Fortune In Time And Money When You Can Get The Same Exact Results For A Few Dollars A Month?

The Answers Were Found For Pennies
Right In My Kitchen

I was shocked to re-discover all of her tips, secrets, and remedies... and even more shocked to find out that they had been passed down from Persian royalty for over a thousand years!
Here I was, this know-it-all gal who thought that modern beauty manufacturers surely knew more than my mother... yet little did I know that she was using methods that were virtually sacred to our culture...
Methods of enhancing every aspect of female beauty, without relying on creams (most of which are full of toxins and chemicals that do you far more harm than good), and before the words “plastic surgery” or “the Tox” were ever used.
These were the secrets of actual REAL princesses, queens, and royalty throughout the East and Orient, and I simply could not believe that I had ignored them all these years!
I vowed to make up for my childhood silliness, and devour every word, every tip, every secret my mother passed down to me...
And what surprised me the most? Almost everything I needed to restore my beauty was 7 feet to my left... right in my kitchen.
You see, queens and princesses throughout history only had natural means of increasing and maintaining their youthful beauty...
And if you have seen any of their portraits, or could see my mother’s family line, you would know for a fact they work almost like magic...
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